How to Brew Coffee with Hario V60 Coffee Dripper
Brewing speciality coffee is popular amongst baristas but many coffee-enthusiasts enjoy brewing lovely sediment-free coffee with a coffee dripper as well. It is a straight-forward process but just like everything else in life - practise makes perfect.
If you've watched a barista brewing coffee by hand a few times before, you might just, get away without reading any instructions or guides. However, to clear things up for the newbies, we have created straight-to-the-point instructions and called it "how to brew coffee using Hario V60 dripper guide".
What's a V60?
For those who are wondering what is a V60 dripper, here is the picture of it below. This particular coffee dripper is made of copper - a particularly high-end dripper, but they come in ceramic for maximum heat retention, cost-effective plastic, and heat-proof glass. Also, you can choose from three different sizes 01 / 02 and 03, depending on your needs.
If you wish to know more about this V60 drip brew method go here.
Without further ado, let's get started.
How to Brew Coffee With Hario V60 Dripper: Required Gear
First things first.
Get the Hario brewing equipment out. You will require some of the following tools.
- V60 Dripper (Glass/Plastic/Ceramic)
- Fresh pH Neutral Water
- Hario skerton or Mini Mill
- Hario Kettle
- Freshly Roasted High Quality Beans
- V60 Range Server
- V60 Paper Filters
- Drip Scales
- Cup or Glass
You only need a V60 dripper and some paper filters to get started, but the additional coffee equipment such as Hario scales, does help the brewing process tremendously.
Once you have your gear set-up, you are ready to brew some delicious coffee.
How to Brew Coffee using V60 Dripper Guide
- Add 600ml of water into the Hario kettle and turn it on.
- Weigh 15g medium fine grind coffee.
- Place the paper filter on the V60 dripper and pour some hot water to pre-heat the dripper and remove any possibility of paper taste transferring to the final brew.
- Remove the rinse water and add the coffee grounds into the V60 filter paper.
- Place The V60 range server and the V60 dripper on the scales reset the scales to zero weight.
- Pre-infuse the coffee grounds with pour over kettle.
- Without pouring on the paper filter, add the rest of the water until scales read 250g.
- Enjoy hand brewed speciality coffee!
How to brew coffee with Hario dripper: Conclusion
The first thing to remember when brewing specialty coffee with V60 is that you must wet the V60 paper filters to ensure that none of the paper taste gets transferred to the coffee. This also pre-warms the dripper and serving vessel or cup.
Other brewing components such as the water temperature, brewing time and the amount of coffee grounds you add will also affect the final coffee taste.
Grind size plays a vital role too. If you grind the grounds coarser you will get a weaker coffee taste, but if you grind it finer then you will get the opposite outcome.
We recommend medium grind for the V60, about the size of granular sand (You can find more info on coffee grind size here).
It's a trial and error process before you discover the perfect coffee taste. One thing for sure, nobody in the world can make a better cup of coffee than the one you make for yourself.
Buy FULL How to Brew Guide
You can purchase a FULL How to brew Coffee with Hario V60 Dripper Guide here. The guide also includes Woodneck, French Press and Syphon brewing guides.
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